New Collection From $20*
Offer Applies to selected products only.Prices as marked. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, third-party sellers, or promotion. Offer subject to change at any time at Ezibuy discretion.
Due to the high volume of demand, Ezibuy cannot guarantee the availability of stock during offer period. Offer only redeemable on selected merchandise in a single transaction online at the time of purchase. Not valid on previous purchases and Dropship Brands. The offer is subject to our General Terms and Conditions, Delivery, Returns, Loyalty Program and Privacy Policies. Applicable refunds or credit notes pr6vided will only reflect the purchase price of the item as displayed on the receipt, rather than the original ticket price.
All prices listed are in NZ Dollars (unless otherwise specified). Item availability may vary between stores. For assistance with purchasing online, please contact or call 0508-500-500 between 9am-5pm AEST Monday to Friday.


Sale Up to 75% Off*
Offer Applies to selected products only.Prices as marked. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, third-party sellers, or promotion. Offer subject to change at any time at Ezibuy discretion.
Due to the high volume of demand, Ezibuy cannot guarantee the availability of stock during offer period. Offer only redeemable on selected merchandise in a single transaction online at the time of purchase. Not valid on previous purchases and Dropship Brands. The offer is subject to our General Terms and Conditions, Delivery, Returns, Loyalty Program and Privacy Policies. Applicable refunds or credit notes pr6vided will only reflect the purchase price of the item as displayed on the receipt, rather than the original ticket price.
All prices listed are in Australian Dollars (unless otherwise specified). Item availability may vary between stores. For assistance with purchasing online, please contact or call 0508-500-500 between 9am-5pm AEST Monday to Friday.


Homewares up to 85% Off*
Offer Applies to selected styles only. Prices as marked online. Offer for a limited time only. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Offers are subject to change at any time at Ezibuy discretion.
MARKETPLACE PRODUCTS – Product sold and supplied by a third-party seller. The third-party seller is responsible for listing, selling and delivering this product and product information. Free shipping applies to selected products only.


$2 Shipping When You Spend $80*
Offer Applies to selected products only.Prices as marked. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, third-party sellers, or promotion. Offer subject to change at any time at Ezibuy discretion.
Due to the high volume of demand, Ezibuy cannot guarantee the availability of stock during offer period. Offer only redeemable on selected merchandise in a single transaction online at the time of purchase. Not valid on previous purchases and Dropship Brands. The offer is subject to our General Terms and Conditions, Delivery, Returns, Loyalty Program and Privacy Policies. Applicable refunds or credit notes pr6vided will only reflect the purchase price of the item as displayed on the receipt, rather than the original ticket price.
All prices listed are in Australian Dollars (unless otherwise specified). Item availability may vary between stores. For assistance with purchasing online, please contact or call 0508-500-500 between 9am-5pm AEST Monday to Friday.